49151 Telenetics Codex 3512 1-CHANNEL STANDALONE 2.4 - 64K

Data Service Unit/Channel Service Unit (DSU/CSU) supports synch transmission up to 64 kbps and async up to 19.2 kbps. Available with Point-to-Point (PP), Network Management Support (NMS), Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM), and Single Line Restoral for V.32 bis (SLR). Standalone units shipped with 100-120 VAC power supply, 47-63 Hz. Order 220/240 VAC power supply kit separately (TEL-48428).

Telenetics Codex 3512 DSU/CSU Basic Features

Bell DSU-500A and CSU 550A Compliant, Synchronous transmission to 64 Kbps, Asynchronous to 19.2 Kbps, Data Rates to 64 Kbps

TEL-49151 Telenetics Codex 3512 1-CHANNEL STANDALONE 2.4 - 64K

49152 Telenetics Codex 3512 1-CHANNEL STANDALONE 2.4 - 64K w/ NMS

TEL-49152 Data Service Unit/Channel Service Unit (DSU/CSU) supports synch transmission up to 64 kbps and async up to 19.2 kbps. Available with Point-to-Point (PP), Network Management Support (NMS), Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM), and Single Line Restoral for V.32 bis (SLR). Standalone units shipped with 100-120 VAC power supply, 47-63 Hz. Order 220/240 VAC power supply kit separately (TEL-48428).


Telenetics Codex 3512 DSU/CSU Basic Features


Bell DSU-500A and CSU 550A Compliant, Synchronous transmission to 64 Kbps, Asynchronous to 19.2 Kbps, Data Rates to 64 Kbps


TEL- 49152 Telenetics Codex 3512 1-CHANNEL STANDALONE 2.4 - 64K w/ NMS

49154 Telenetics Codex 3512 4-CHANNEL STANDALONE w/ PP, TDM TEL-49154

Data Service Unit/Channel Service Unit (DSU/CSU) supports synch transmission up to 64 kbps and async up to 19.2 kbps. Available with Point-to-Point (PP), Network Management Support (NMS), Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM), and Single Line Restoral for V.32 bis (SLR). Standalone units shipped with 100-120 VAC power supply, 47-63 Hz. Order 220/240 VAC power supply kit separately (TEL-48428).

Telenetics Codex 3512 DSU/CSU Basic Features

Bell DSU-500A and CSU 550A Compliant, Synchronous transmission to 64 Kbps, Asynchronous to 19.2 Kbps, Data Rates to 64 Kbps

TEL-49154 Telenetics Codex 3512 4-CHANNEL STANDALONE w/ PP, TDM

49155 Telenetics Codex 3512 4-CHANNEL STANDALONE w/ PP, TDM, NMS
Data Service Unit/Channel Service Unit (DSU/CSU) supports synch transmission up to 64 kbps and async up to 19.2 kbps. Available with Point-to-Point (PP), Network Management Support (NMS), Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM), and Single Line Restoral for V.32 bis (SLR). Standalone units shipped with 100-120 VAC power supply, 47-63 Hz. Order 220/240 VAC power supply kit separately (TEL-48428).

Telenetics Codex 3512 DSU/CSU Basic Features

Bell DSU-500A and CSU 550A Compliant, Synchronous transmission to 64 Kbps, Asynchronous to 19.2 Kbps, Data Rates to 64 Kbps

TEl-49155 Telenetics Codex 3512 4-CHANNEL STANDALONE w/ PP, TDM, NMS

49159 Telenetics Codex 3512 1-CHANNEL STANDALONE w/ SLR

Data Service Unit/Channel Service Unit (DSU/CSU) supports synch transmission up to 64 kbps and async up to 19.2 kbps. Available with Point-to-Point (PP), Network Management Support (NMS), Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM), and Single Line Restoral for V.32 bis (SLR). Standalone units shipped with 100-120 VAC power supply, 47-63 Hz. Order 220/240 VAC power supply kit separately (TEL-48428).

Telenetics Codex 3512 DSU/CSU Basic Features

Bell DSU-500A and CSU 550A Compliant, Synchronous transmission to 64 Kbps, Asynchronous to 19.2 Kbps, Data Rates to 64 Kbps

TEL-49159 Telenetics Codex 3512 1-CHANNEL STANDALONE w/ SLR
49160 Telenetics Codex 3512 1-CHANNEL STANDALONE w/ SLR, NMS

Data Service Unit/Channel Service Unit (DSU/CSU) supports synch transmission up to 64 kbps and async up to 19.2 kbps. Available with Point-to-Point (PP), Network Management Support (NMS), Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM), and Single Line Restoral for V.32 bis (SLR). Standalone units shipped with 100-120 VAC power supply, 47-63 Hz. Order 220/240 VAC power supply kit separately (TEL-48428).

Telenetics Codex 3512 DSU/CSU Basic Features

Bell DSU-500A and CSU 550A Compliant, Synchronous transmission to 64 Kbps, Asynchronous to 19.2 Kbps, Data Rates to 64 Kbps

TEL-49160 Telenetics Codex 3512 1-CHANNEL STANDALONE w/ SLR, NMS

49175 Telenetics Codex 3512 1-CHANNEL NEST CARD 2.4 - 64K

Data Service Unit/Channel Service Unit (DSU/CSU) supports synch transmission up to 64 kbps and async up to 19.2 kbps. Available with Point-to-Point (PP), Network Management Support (NMS), Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM), and Single Line Restoral for V.32 bis (SLR). Standalone units shipped with 100-120 VAC power supply, 47-63 Hz. Order 220/240 VAC power supply kit separately (TEL-48428).

Telenetics Codex 3512 DSU/CSU Basic Features

Bell DSU-500A and CSU 550A Compliant, Synchronous transmission to 64 Kbps, Asynchronous to 19.2 Kbps, Data Rates to 64 Kbps

TEL-49175 Telenetics Codex 3512 1-CHANNEL NEST CARD 2.4 - 64K

49176 Telenetics Codex 3512 1-CHANNEL NEST CARD 2.4 - 64K w/ NMS

Data Service Unit/Channel Service Unit (DSU/CSU) supports synch transmission up to 64 kbps and async up to 19.2 kbps. Available with Point-to-Point (PP), Network Management Support (NMS), Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM), and Single Line Restoral for V.32 bis (SLR). Standalone units shipped with 100-120 VAC power supply, 47-63 Hz. Order 220/240 VAC power supply kit separately (TEL-48428).

Telenetics Codex 3512 DSU/CSU Basic Features

Bell DSU-500A and CSU 550A Compliant, Synchronous transmission to 64 Kbps, Asynchronous to 19.2 Kbps, Data Rates to 64 Kbps

TEL-49176 Telenetics Codex 3512 1-CHANNEL NEST CARD 2.4 - 64K w/ NMS

49178 Telenetics Codex 3512 4-CHANNEL NEST CARD 2.4 - 64K w/ PP

Data Service Unit/Channel Service Unit (DSU/CSU) supports synch transmission up to 64 kbps and async up to 19.2 kbps. Available with Point-to-Point (PP), Network Management Support (NMS), Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM), and Single Line Restoral for V.32 bis (SLR). Standalone units shipped with 100-120 VAC power supply, 47-63 Hz. Order 220/240 VAC power supply kit separately (TEL-48428).

Telenetics Codex 3512 DSU/CSU Basic Features

Bell DSU-500A and CSU 550A Compliant, Synchronous transmission to 64 Kbps, Asynchronous to 19.2 Kbps, Data Rates to 64 Kbps

TEL-49178 Telenetics Codex 3512 4-CHANNEL NEST CARD 2.4 - 64K w/ PP
49179 Telenetics Codex 3512 4-CHANNEL NEST CARD w/ NMS, PP

Data Service Unit/Channel Service Unit (DSU/CSU) supports synch transmission up to 64 kbps and async up to 19.2 kbps. Available with Point-to-Point (PP), Network Management Support (NMS), Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM), and Single Line Restoral for V.32 bis (SLR). Standalone units shipped with 100-120 VAC power supply, 47-63 Hz. Order 220/240 VAC power supply kit separately (TEL-48428).

Telenetics Codex 3512 DSU/CSU Basic Features

Bell DSU-500A and CSU 550A Compliant, Synchronous transmission to 64 Kbps, Asynchronous to 19.2 Kbps, Data Rates to 64 Kbps

TEL-49179 Telenetics Codex 3512 4-CHANNEL NEST CARD w/ NMS, PP

49207 Telenetics Codex 3512 Standalone to Nest Conversion Kit - Back panel kit

Data Service Unit/Channel Service Unit (DSU/CSU) supports synch transmission up to 64 kbps and async up to 19.2 kbps. Available with Point-to-Point (PP), Network Management Support (NMS), Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM), and Single Line Restoral for V.32 bis (SLR). Standalone units shipped with 100-120 VAC power supply, 47-63 Hz. Order 220/240 VAC power supply kit separately (TEL-48428).

Telenetics Codex 3512 DSU/CSU Basic Features

Bell DSU-500A and CSU 550A Compliant, Synchronous transmission to 64 Kbps, Asynchronous to 19.2 Kbps, Data Rates to 64 Kbps

TEL-49207 Telenetics Codex 3512 Standalone to Nest Conversion Kit  - Back panel kit

49303 Telenetics Codex 3512 STANDALONE w/ NMS, SW56 4-WIRE restoral,  hold and LL support

Data Service Unit/Channel Service Unit (DSU/CSU) supports synch transmission up to 64 kbps and async up to 19.2 kbps. Available with Point-to-Point (PP), Network Management Support (NMS), Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM), and Single Line Restoral for V.32 bis (SLR). Standalone units shipped with 100-120 VAC power supply, 47-63 Hz. Order 220/240 VAC power supply kit separately (TEL-48428).

Telenetics Codex 3512 DSU/CSU Basic Features

Bell DSU-500A and CSU 550A Compliant, Synchronous transmission to 64 Kbps, Asynchronous to 19.2 Kbps, Data Rates to 64 Kbps

49303 Telenetics Codex 3512 STANDALONE with NMS, SW56 4-WIRE restoral, includes hold and LL support

49304 Telenetics Codex 3512 NEST CARD with NMS, SW56 4-WIRE restoral, includes hold and LL support

Data Service Unit/Channel Service Unit (DSU/CSU) supports synch transmission up to 64 kbps and async up to 19.2 kbps. Available with Point-to-Point (PP), Network Management Support (NMS), Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM), and Single Line Restoral for V.32 bis (SLR). Standalone units shipped with 100-120 VAC power supply, 47-63 Hz. Order 220/240 VAC power supply kit separately (TEL-48428).

Telenetics Codex 3512 DSU/CSU Basic Features

Bell DSU-500A and CSU 550A Compliant, Synchronous transmission to 64 Kbps, Asynchronous to 19.2 Kbps, Data Rates to 64 Kbps

TEL-49304 Telenetics Codex 3512 NEST CARD with NMS, SW56 4-WIRE restoral, includes hold and LL support

48015 Telenetics 3512 16 SLOT MINI NEST Chassis with 110/120/220/240 VAC TEL-48015

Data Service Unit/Channel Service Unit (DSU/CSU) supports synch transmission up to 64 kbps and async up to 19.2 kbps. Available with Point-to-Point (PP), Network Management Support (NMS), Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM), and Single Line Restoral for V.32 bis (SLR). Standalone units shipped with 100-120 VAC power supply, 47-63 Hz. Order 220/240 VAC power supply kit separately (TEL-48428).

Telenetics Codex 3512 DSU/CSU Basic Features

Bell DSU-500A and CSU 550A Compliant, Synchronous transmission to 64 Kbps, Asynchronous to 19.2 Kbps, Data Rates to 64 Kbps

TEL-48015 Telenetics 3512 16 SLOT MINI NEST Chassis with 110/120/220/240 VAC
48428 Telenetics 3512 100/120/220/240 VAC PS accessory kit for 3512 TEL-48428

Data Service Unit/Channel Service Unit (DSU/CSU) supports synch transmission up to 64 kbps and async up to 19.2 kbps. Available with Point-to-Point (PP), Network Management Support (NMS), Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM), and Single Line Restoral for V.32 bis (SLR). Standalone units shipped with 100-120 VAC power supply, 47-63 Hz. Order 220/240 VAC power supply kit separately (TEL-48428).

Telenetics Codex 3512 DSU/CSU Basic Features

Bell DSU-500A and CSU 550A Compliant, Synchronous transmission to 64 Kbps, Asynchronous to 19.2 Kbps, Data Rates to 64 Kbps

TEL-48428 Telenetics 3512 100/120/220/240 VAC PS accessory kit for 3512