UDS Motorola Part Numbers
Product Part Number
202T lease line modem  
202T 115v stand alone 62025197
202T RM16M nest card 62025209
202T 115VAC TEMP Rated 62025197-00008
202T DC powered 62025266
2860 (fits RM16M racks)  
2860 RM16M card 62085152
2860 stand alone 62085153
3260 v.32bis (cards fit Modulus racks)  
3260 Dial S/A 40370/21002
3261 LL & Dial S/A 40371/21057
3262 Dual Dial Card 40372/21100
3263 LL & Dial Card 40373
3260 V.34 (cards fit modulus racks)  
326XV.34 33.6K Upgrade Kit (Min. Installed revision of 7.5) 42552
3260 Fast V.34 Managed 42600
3261 V.34 LL & Dial-Up 42601
3262 V.34 Dual Card 42602
3263 V.34 LL & Dial card 42603
3266 V.34 LL & Dial stand alone INTL 110V 42625
3268 V.34 33.6 LL and Dial line modem card 42627
3266 V.34 UI stand alone 42629
3260 V.34 Fast SDC 42700
3261 V.34 Fast SDC 42701
3262 V.34 SDC Dual Dial Card 42702
3263 V.34 SDC LL & Dial Card 42703
3266 V.34 SDC international stand alone 42740
3268 V.34 SDC LL + Dial Card UI 42741
3260 V.34 SDC V.35 42746
3261 V.34 LL and Dial SDC V35 S/A 42747
3262 V.34 SDC V35 Dual Dial Card 42748
3263 V.34 SDC w/v.35interface LL & dial card 42749
3460 (card fits Fast'R Enclosure)  
3460 Fast'R w/SLR Stand Alone 29900
3460 Fast'R Stand Alone 39500
3460 StackSix Stacking Kit 39599
3460 Fast'R Dual Card 39600
3460 Fast'R SLR Card 39900
Fast'R Enclosure (3460 nest)  
3460 Accessway 110V Nest (RJ11/make busy) 39701
3460 Accessway -48DC Nest 39705
3460 110V Nest w/ RJ Connectors 39708
3460 48VDC Nest-Mass Termination 39710
3460 48VDC Nets w/RJ Connectors 39714
3460 48VDC Redundant Power Supply Card 39718
3460 110/220V Spare Power Supply 39719
3460 48VDC Spare Power Enclosure 39720
3460 2/4 Wire Nest 39733
3460 Accessway 2/4 Wire Nest 220vac with RJ11 39734
3460 Accessway 2/4 Wire Nest 240vac with RJ11 39737
3460 Accessway 2/4 Wire Nest 100vac with RJ11 39738
3460 2/4 Wire Nest 39739
Premier 33.6 6209541900050
Premier Ext 230V 6209541900100
V.3229 (card fits RM16M enclosure)  
V.3229 115/230V stand alone 6209539600010
V.3229 stand alone 6209526200030
RM16M V.3229 6209527100030
V.3229 DC powered 6209539700010
V.3229 Stand alone to nest card conversion kit 6500301900040
V.3400 (card fits RM16M enclosure)  
V.3400 48VDC Temp Gradient Certified -30' to +70' C 6209540000058
V.3400 230V 6209540200010
V.3400 RM16 Card 6209540400010
RK CONVERSION KIT V.3400 6500301900800
V.3400 115 VAC stand alone 6209540000010
V.3600 card fits RM16M enclosure  
RM16M V.3600 Card 6209548100010
V.3600 115V Standalone 6209548200010
V.3600 DC/DC Standalone 12-60 6209548200020
Product Part Number
DA56 6456524800010
202T 115VAC TEMP Rated 62025197-00008
202T DC powered 62025266
DDS-MR64 DSU/CSU stand alone 6456524700020
MR1 stand alone w/RS530 interface 64565072
MR1 RM16M card RS530 64565079
MR1 V.35 DC/DC stand alone 64565099
3512 base units  
3512 Base 2.4-64Kbps S/A 48388(49151)
3512 Base 2.4-64Kbps Card 48389(49175)
3512 NMS 2.4-64Kbps S/A 48390(49152)
3512 NMS 2.4-64Kbps Card 48391(49176)
3512 base plus options  
3512 w/4 Chnl Mux 48388/48392 (49154)
3512 Single Port w/SW56 48388/48396 (49167)
3512 2.4-64bps DSU/CSU Stand Alone w/2 Channel Mux 48388/48397
3512 2.4-64bps DSU/CSU Card w/2 Channel Mux 48389/48397
3512 NMS 2.4-64bps DSU/CSU Stand Alone w/2 Channel Mux 48390/48397
3512 base card with v.32bbis restoral 48389/48395
3512 NMS Single Prt w/V32 restoral 48390/48395 (49160)
3512 NMS Single Port w SW56 restoral 48390/48396(49168)
3512 SDC 49210 (49212)
35xx Nests, power supplies and Cables  
5' 8DInM-DB25F Adpt Cbl 40384
3500 Mini Nest w/PS 48015
100/120/230vac Power Supply 48428
3500 Mini Nest w/PS 115/220 vac 48429
6' B25M V.35 Cable 48523
3512 mini-nest 48 volt 49205
3512 mini-nest 48 volt (redundant) 49206
3512 stand alone to nest card conversion kit 49207
7' DB25M-M34Male 91917
Adapter DB25 to V34 2.5" 650037690101
UTA220 6457503100010
RM16M UTA220 6457503300010
NT1D 6457503600010
FT100 Family of T1/Fractional T1 DSU's  
FT100M SNMP (dual V.35) 6104506100010
FT100M SNMPdual port v.35/DS1 6104506100030
FT100s manual 6496504603014
FT-100 Dual V.35 6496504800040
FT100 (V.35/DS1) 6496504800050
RM16M FT100 (V.35/DS1) 6496504900110
RM-FT100 (2-V.35) 6496504900100
RM16M FT-100EX Card 6496505000010
RM16MFT-100EX Card 6496505000040
FT100S V.35 6496504600020
RM16M FT100S 6496504700040
RM16-FT100EX (V.35/DS-1) 6496505000050
RM16M Enclosures  
RM16M Model 1 115 vac Mod telco 62005201
RM16M Model 2 mass term telco 62005202
RM16M Model 3 segmented 62005203
RM16M Mod 23 (48 vdc) segmented 62005223
RM16M Model 24 (48vdc) mod tel 62005224
RM16M Mod 27 mod telco & telset 62005227
RM16M Mod 33 (48 vdc) mod telco & telset 62005233
RM16M Mod 34 (48 vdc) mass term telco & telset 62005234
Intl RM16M Modl27 230V 62005502
Blank single slot Segment for RM16 (filler panel) 6500216300000
Single Slot Backplane for RM16M enclosure 6500291000010
Modulus Enclosures  
Modulus 21 Slot Enclosure, 115V, Std 80400
Modulus 21 Slot Enclosure, 230V, St 80401
Modulus 9 Slot Enclosure, 115V 80402
Intl Modulus 9 Encl 230V 80403
Modulus 9/21 115vac Power Supply 80406
Modulus 21 Slot Enclosure, -48V, Std 80408
Modulus 21 Slot Enclosure, 115V, Red 80420
Modulus 21 Slot Enclosure, 230v, Red 80421
Modulus 21 Slot Enclosure, -48V, Red 80428
Modulus 9 Slot Enclosure, -48V 80429
Modulus 9/21 (-48)DC Power supply 80429
Modulus Modem Backplanes  
1 Slot Bkpln 9/21 22365
9 Slot Bkpln 9/21 22368
9 Slot Make Busy Bkpln 9/21 22371
21 Slot Bkpln 9/21 22374
21 slot make busy backplane 22377